North American Lepidoptera Biodiversity LLC


Contributions to a Check List of the Lepidoptera of the Dunbar Barrens and Vicinity in Marinette County, Wisconsin


(Macrolepidoptera Families: Thyatiridae, Drepanidae, Geometridae, Epiplemidae, Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae, Riodinidae, Nymphalidae, Mimallonidae, Lasiocampidae, Apatelodidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae, Notodontidae, and Noctuidae; also including: Hepialidae and Cossidae,)


By Hugo L. Kons Jr., Robert J. Borth, and Thomas S. Barina


Posted on the 8 September 2007


Most Recent Update: Feb. 2014


Note:  While this check list does not contain detailed information for the included species, an upcoming volume of the North American Journal of Lepidoptera Biodiversity will present phenology data reported for five day intervals for northern Wisconsin, hypotheses of habitat dependency for many of the included species (including a preliminary list of WI Lepidoptera species hypothesized to be barrens dependent), and other information and analyses.  A subsequent volume will present our detailed survey data for northern WI, including lists of what species were found at specific survey stations on specific dates.  To receive an e-mail notification when these volumes become available, contact the senior author at 


Abstract:  We list 704 species of Macrolepidoptera that we have collected from our surveys of oak-pine barrens and forests northwest of Dunbar in Marinette County, Wisconsin (T37N R17E Section 21).


Introduction:  The area northwest of Dunbar known as the “Dunbar Barrens” consisted of very extensive xeric open barrens and dry oak-pine forest.  Part of the area is a Wisconsin State Natural Area (SNA).  According to WI DNR (1989, 2006) the pine barrens in this area “are similar in composition to presettlement pine barrens,” although there is no mention of how they arrived at this conclusion.  Forest surrounding the barrens opening included aspen and oak at the southeastern edge.  Areas we surveyed in 1994-1995, just east beyond the former northeast border of the SNA (see below), had jack pine as a dominant tree in places, both in a jack pine-barrens mosaic and in oak-jack pine forest.  In addition, there was an area with red pine to the south of the area where jack pine became common.  The barrens area includes rhizomatous grasses and sedges and an extensive shrub layer, with common plants including rice grass, poverty oat grass, bearberry, blueberries, sweet fern, barrens strawberry, and hawkweeds (DNR 1989).  Furthermore, a diverse lichen flora is present (DNR 1989, 2006).  According to DNR (1989), low frost pockets are contributing to the open situation, and “occasionally brushing and prescribed burns are needed to maintain the pine barrens aspect.”  During 1993-1995, a long but narrow burned strip perpendicular with the west side of the main access road was very conspicuous within the SNA, but at that time we saw no indications of recent burning elsewhere. 

            The majority of our survey work at the Dunbar Barrens and vicinity was conducted from 1993-1995, although the success of our 1993 surveys was limited by cold weather.  Unfortunately, we do not have GPS coordinates for our specific survey locations, and now the habitat has changed considerably due to clear cutting, but the location of our survey stations is shown on the below map of the former landscape.  Our nocturnal survey work from 1993-1995 was conducted just beyond the eastern border of the Dunbar Barrens State Natural Area, which at that time consisted of approximately the western 36% of Section 21 (T 37N R 17E).  Our nocturnal survey locations in section 21 included the southeast edge of the barrens (SEB), the area with red pine at the edge of the barrens near the middle of section 21 (OPE), and the jack-pine barrens mosaic area at the edge of the barrens in north central section 21 (JPA).  A side road in north central section 21 (JPR) going through barrens, xeric oak-pine forest, and semi xeric aspen-oak forest, was used as a bait trail a number of times, and as a MV sheet site on a couple of occasions.  During 1993 we also ran light traps in the open barrens in southwest section 21, and we conducted diurnal surveys in western section 21 during 1993 and 1994.  In addition, on 28 May 2000 and 30 Sept. 2000 RJB surveyed an area with jack pine, oaks, aspen, and open barrens in eastern section 21 (exact location not known).  On 10 August 2007 RJB investigated the pothole lake with a bog edge in the southeast corner of Section 21.

We produced a series of unpublished reports distributed to the WI DNR including data for the Dunbar Barrens each year from 1993-1996, and last updated the biodiversity blitz report for the site after a collecting night by RJB on 16 May 1999.  The following check list includes some species added by RJB subsequent to this.  For a draft of the biodiversity blitz report for the Dunbar Barrens, follow this link.    



Methods:  Our surveys were conducted with MV sheets, UV sheets, UV traps, type P and F bait traps, bait trails, and diurnal collecting with nets and jars.  Follow this link for illustrations and a discussion of these survey methods.  All of the species on the following list were recorded from our own surveys.


Voucher Specimens:  Voucher specimens of each species on the below check list are currently housed in the personal research collections of one or more of the authors.  We have also made donations of Dunbar Barrens material to the Milwaukee Public Museum.  The senior author has identified or verified specimens of all of the species we list from the Dunbar Barrens with the exception of some Eupithecia (determined by George Balogh).


Classification:  The classification primarily follows the Hodges et al. (1983) check list with the exception of Nymphalidae (concept of Harvey 1991) and Noctuidae, incorporating information from Poole (1995), Mitchell et al. (2006), and Zahiri et al. (2011, 2012a, 2012b, 2013).  For a more detailed discussion of adopted changes in classification from the Hodges et al. (1983) check list, see the Classification section of the Kons, Borth, and Barina Check List of Wisconsin Macrolepidoptera.  For those species listed in Hodges et al. (1983), I include the original check list number, which serves as a citation for the describing author and year of description. 


Discussion:  The habitat of our former survey sites has changed markedly since we conducted our surveys in the mid 1990s.  Subsequent to our surveys in 1994 and 1995, the jack pine/barrens mosaic, red pine/oak forest, and the xeric jack pine and oak forest areas described above were clear cut and burned (Borth, pers. obsv. 2002).  The loss of the jack pine-barrens mosaic is unfortunate in our view, as from this area we had recorded some localized barrens dependent species which are reported to utilize jack pine or oaks as a larval host.  One of the two SNA maps shown in WI DNR (2006) shows the area included within the SNA has been greatly expanded, and now includes some areas we have surveyed west of the former border of the SNA, including some former study sites which were clear cut and burned.  The SNA now includes the western half of section 21, all of the approximately northern quarter of section 21, all of section 16, and portions of section 17, 20, and 28.

The recorded Dunbar Barrens Macrolepidoptera fauna includes about 50.1% of the species that we have collected or examined from Wisconsin.  If we include species reported in the literature which we have not verified from WI, the proportion drops to 48.4%.  We expect the diversity of these specific areas would be far lower now.  The removal of the oak-jack pine barrens mosaic and forested tracts would extirpate all of the oak, pine, and other tree feeding Lepidoptera species formerly present, and perhaps other species that used trees for shelter and/or are sensitive to extensive burns.  Hopefully these species might persist elsewhere in the vicinity, but the extirpated oak-jack pine scrub forest/barrens mosaic (areas JPA/JPR) was an especially diverse and interesting area for Lepidoptera.  When we surveyed for butterflies during the mid 90s, nothing was found in the charred area west of the access road during June survey dates.


Acknowledgments:  The senior author is especially grateful to his parents, Hugo & Sharon Kons Sr., for much support and tolerance for his research activities over many years.  The senior author also thanks the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and the American Entomological Institute for lab space and infrastructural support.  Robert J. Borth gives special acknowledgment to Congressman Steve Kagen for financial support, equipment, and encouragement.  We thank George Balogh for assisting with determinations of Eupithecia specimens and some other Geometridae.  We thank Paul Matthiae of the WI Department of Natural Resources for issuing us scientific collecting permits for WI State Natural Areas.  Also, for assistance with acquiring chemicals important to collecting or genitalic dissections, we thank Niklaus Hostettler, Jim Lloyd, Robert Robbins, and David Wahl. 


Check List of the Macrolepidoptera of the Dunbar Barrens and Vicinity



MACROLEPIDOPTERA               704


DREPANOIDEA                                                4


THYATIRIDAE                                                  2

6235     Habrosyne scripta        

6237     Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides          


DREPANIDAE                                                   2

6251     Drepana arcuata           

6252     Drepana bilineata         


GEOMETROIDEA                                             173


GEOMETRIDAE                                                172


Ennominae                                                      104

6272     Eumacaria latiferrugata 

6273     Itame pustularia

6278     Itame evagaria  

6279     Itame occiduaria           

6280     Itame andersoni

6282     Itame argillacearia         

6286     Itame brunneata

6290     Itame loricaria   

6292     Itame exhauspicata       

6303     Itame subcessaria        

6321     Epelis truncataria          

6326     Semiothisa aemulataria 

6330     Semiothisa ulsterata     

6340     Semiothisa minorata     

6431.1  Semiothisa masquerata            

6342     Semiothisa bisignata    

6343     Semiothisa sexmacularia          

6347     Semiothisa pinistrobata

6348     Semiothisa fissinotata  

6349     Semiothisa mamorata   

6350     Semiothisa submarmorata        

6351     Semiothisa oweni         

6362     Semiothisa continuata  

6428     Orthofidonia tinctaria    

6430     Orthofidonia flavivenata

6436     Ematurga amitaria        

6570     Aethalura intertexta       

6582     Iridopsis vellivolata       

6583     Iridopsis ephyraria        

6584     Iridopsis humaria          

6588     Iridopsis larvaria           

6590     Anavitrinelia pampinaria

6595     Cleora projecta 

6597     Ectropis crepuscularia  

6598     Protoboarmia porcelaria           

6620     Melanolophia canadaria

6621     Melanolophia signataria

6637     Eufidonia convergaria   

6639     Eufidonia discospilata  

6640     Biston betularia

6651     Lycia ursaria     

6654     Hypagyrtis unipunctata 

6656     Hypagyrtis piniata        

6658     Phigalia titea    

6666     Lomographa semiclarata           

6667     Lomographa vestaliata 

6668     Lomographa glomeraria

6677     Cabera erythemaria       

6678     Cabera variolaria          

6720     Lytrosis unitaria

6724     Euchlaena serrata         

6726     Euchlaena obtusaria     

6728     Euchlaena effecta        

6729     Euchlaena johnsonaria  

6731     Euchlaena madusaria    

6734     Euchlaena marginaria    

6737     Euchlaena tigrinaria      

6739     Euchlaena irraria           

6740     Xanthotype urticaria      

6743     Xanthotype sospeta     

6755     Pero morrisonaria         

6763     Nacophora quernaria    

6796     Campaea perlata          

6797     Ennomos magnaria      

6798     Ennomos subsignaria   

6799     Epirranthis substriataria

6804     Petrophora subaequaria

6806     Tacparia atropunctata   

6807     Tacparia detersata        

6812     Homochlodes fritillaria  

6818     Selenia kentaria

6819     Metanema inatomaria    

6820     Metanema determiniata 

6821     Metarranthis warneri      

6822     Metarranthis duaria       

6824     Metarranthis amyrisaria 

6825     Metarranthis indeclinata

6826     Metarranthis hypochraria           

6827     Metarranthis refractaria 

6836     Anagoga pulveraria occiduaria  

6837     Probole alienaria          

6839.1  Probole nyssaria          

6840     Plagodis serinaria         

6841     Plagodis kuetzingi        

6842     Plagodis phlogosaria   

6843     Plagodis fervidaria       

6844     Plagodis alcoolaria       

6863     Caripeta divisata          

6864     Caripeta piniata

6867     Caripeta angustiorata    

6884     Besma endropiaria       

6885     Besma quercivoraria     

6888     Lambdina fiscellaria      

6894     Lambdina fervidaria      

6906     Nepytia canosaria         

6912     Sicya macularia

6941     Eusarca confusaria       

6963     Tetracis crocallata        

6964     Tetracis cachexiata       

6965     Eugonobapta nivosaria 

6966     Eutrapela clemataria     

6982     Prochoerodes lineola    

6987     Antepione thisoaria       

7009     Nematocampa resistaria           


Geometrinae                                                    6

7047     Nemoria rubrifrontaria   

7048     Nemoria mimosaria       

7058     Synchlora aerata          

7071     Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria    

7084     Hethemia pistasciaria    

7085     Mesothea incertata       


Sterrhinae                                                        7

7132     Pleuroprucha insulsaria 

7139     Cyclophora pendulinaria           

7146     Haematopis grataria     

7159     Scopula limboundata    

7164     Scopula junctaria          

7169     Scopula inductata        

7179     Leptostales rubromarginaria      


Larentiinae                                                       55

7182     Dysstroma citrata         

7188     Dysstroma walkerata    

7189     Dysstroma hersiliata     

7201     Eulithis testata 

7205     Eulithis flavibrunneata   

7206     Eulithis explanata         

7208     Eulithis serrataria          

7229     Hydriomena perfracta   

7235     Hydriomena divisaria    

7236     Hydriomena renunciata 

7237     Hydriomena transfigurata          

7254     Hydriomena ruberata    

7285     Triphosa haesitata        

7291     Hydria undulata

7292     Hydria prunivorata        

7293     Rheumaptera hastata    

7307     Mesoleuca ruficillata     

7316     Perizoma basaliata       

7329     Anticlea vasiliata          

7230     Anticlea multiferata       

7371     Xanthorhoe iduata        

7384     Xanthorhoe decoloraria 

7388     Xanthorhoe ferrugata    

7390     Xanthorhoe lacustrata   

7394     Epirrhoe alternata         

7399     Euphyia intermediata    

7414     Orthonama obstipata    

7416     Orthonama centrostrigaria         

7419     Hydrelia lucata 

7420     Hydrelia condensata     

7423     Hydrelia albifera           

7428     Venusia comptaria        

7430     Trichodezia albovittata  

7433     Epirrita autumnata        

7440     Eubaphe mendica        

7445     Horisme intestinata       

7449     Eupithecia palpata        

7459     Eupithecia columbiata  

7474     Eupithecia miserulata    

7476     Eupithecia misturata     

7487     Eupithecia subfuscata  

7489     Eupithecia lariciata       

7522     Eupithecia nimbicolor   

7526     Eupithecia russeliata     

7530     Eupithecia swettii         

7565     Eupithecia bowmani     

7575     Eupithecia mutata         

7594     Eupithecia anticaria      

7605     Eupithecia ravocostaliata          

7637     Cladara limitaria

7639     Cladara atroliturata       

7640     Lobophora nivigerata    

7645     Heterophleps refusaria  

7647     Heterophleps triguttaria 

7648     Dyspteris abortivaria    


EPIPLEMIDAE                                                  1

7650     Callizzia amorata          


RHOPALOCERA                                               65


HESPERIIDAE                                                  19


Pyrginae                                                          5         

3870     Epargyreus clarus        

3910     Thorybes pylades         

3945     Erynnis icelus   

3946     Erynnis brizo    

3947     Erynnis juvenalis          


Heteropterinae                                                  1

3982     Carterocephalus palemon         


Hesperiinae                                                      13

4012     Thymelicus lineola        

4023     Hesperia leonardus       

4027     Hesperia metea

4033     Hesperia sassacus       

4036     Polites coras    

4041     Polites themistocles     

4043     Polites mystic  

4047     Wallengrenia egeremet  

4049     Atalopedes campestris

4059     Poanes hobomok         

4078     Euphyes vestris           

4096     Amblyscirtes hegon      

4105     Amblyscirtes vialis       


PAPILIONOIDEA                                              46


PAPLIONIDAE                                                  2

4159     Papilio polyxenus         

4176.1  Papilio canadensis       


PIERIDAE                                                         6

4195     Pieris napi        

4197     Pieris rapae      

4209     Colias philodice           

4210     Colias eurytheme          

4220     Colias interior   

4237     Eurema lisa      


LYCAENIDAE                                                   13

4249     Feniseca tarquinius       

4251     Lycaena phlaeas          

4285     Satyrium liparops         

4282     Satyrium calanus          

4281     Satyrium edwardsii       

4275     Satyrium titus   

4322     Callophrys agustus       

4324     Callophrys polios         

4326     Callophrys henrici         

4328     Callophrys niphon        

4361     Everes comyntas         

4363     Celastrina ladon [complex]        

4376     Plebejus saepiolus       


 NYMPHALIDAE                                               25

4420     Polygonia interrogationis          

4421     Polygonia comma        

4429     Polygonia progne         

4430     Nymphalis vau-album   

4432     Nymphalis antiopa        

4433     Aglais milberti  

4434     Vanessa virginiensis     

4435     Vanessa cardui

4437     Vanessa atlanta

4440     Junonia coenia 

4450     Speyeria cybele           

4451     Speyeria aphrodite       

4459     Speyeria atlantis           

4465     Clossiana bellona         

4481.1  Phyciodes pascoensis 

4482     Phyciodes batesii         

4490     Chlosyne nycteis          

4522     Basilarchia arthemis      

4523     Basilarchia archippus    

4568.1  Enodia anthedon          

4578     Megisto cymela

4583     Coenonympha inornata 

4587     Cercyonis pegala         

4606     Oeneis chryxus

4614     Danaus plexippus        


MIMALLONOIDEA                                            1


MIMALLONIDAE                                               1

7662     Cicinnus melsheimeri    


LASIOCAMPOIDEA                                          3


LASIOCAMPIDAE                                             3

Macromphaliinae                                             2

7670     Tolype velleda  

7673     Tolype laricis    

Gastropachinae                                                1

7687     Phyllodesma americana


BOMBYCOIDEA                                                22


SATURNIIDAE                                                  5

7715     Dryocampa rubicunda  

7746     Automeris io    

7757     Antheraea polyphemus 

7758     Actias luna       

7767     Hyalophora cecropia    


SPHINGIDAE                                                    17


Sphinginae                                                      10

7787     Ceratomia undulosa      

7809     Sphinx kalmiae 

7810     Sphinx gordius (incl. poecile)    

7812     Sphinx drupiferarum     

7817     Lapara bombycoides    

7821     Smerinthus jamaicensis

7822     Smerinthus cerisyi        

7824     Paonias excaecatus     

7825     Paonias myops

7828     Pachysphinx modesta  


Macroglossinae                                                7

7853     Hemaris thysbe

7854     Hemaris gracilis

7855     Hemaris diffinis

7873     Amphion floridensis     

7885     Darapsa myron

7886     Darapsa pholus

7894     Hyles lineata    


NOCTUOIDEA                                                   438


NOTODONTIDAE                                              33

7895     Clostera albosigma      

7896     Clostera inclusa sp. 2   

7898     Clostera strigosa          

7900     Clostera brucei 

7901     Clostera apicalis           

7902     Datana ministra

7915     Nadata gibbosa           

7917     Hyperaeschra georgica 

7919     Peridea basitriens         

7920     Peridea angulosa         

7921     Peridea ferruginea        

7922     Pheosia rimosa

7924     Odontosia elegans       

7928     Notodonta simplaria     

7929     Nerice bidentata           

7931     Gluphisia septentrionis 

7933     Gluphisia avimacula      

7934     Gluphisia lintneri           

7937     Furcula cinerea 

7939     Furcula occidentalis      

7941     Furcula modesta          

7953     Symmerista leucitys     

7990     Heterocampa umbrata  

7994     Heterocampa guttivitta  

7995     Heterocampa biundata  

7998     Lochmaeus manteo      

7999     Lochmaeus bilineata     

8005     Schizura ipomoeae       

8007     Schizura unicornis        

8009     Schizura apicalis          

8011     Schizura leptinoides     

8012     Oligocentria semirufescens       

8017     Oligocentria lignicolor   


NOCTUIDAE                                                     405



Herminiinae                                                     26

8322     Idia americalis  

8323     Idia aemula      

8326     Idia rotundalis  

8328     Idia julia           

8329     Idia diminuendis           

8334     Idia lubricalis    

8338     Phalaenophana pyramusalis      

8340     Zanclognatha lituralis    

8345     Zanclognatha laevigata 

8348     Zanclognatha pedipilalis cpx. A

8349     Zanclognatha protumnusalis     

8352     Zanclognatha marcidilinea         

8353     Zanclognatha ochreipennis       

8355     Chytolita morbidalis      

8356     Chytolita petrealis         

8357     Macrochilo absorptalis 

8358     Macrochilo litophora     

8359     Macrochilo bivittata      

8360     Macrochilo orciferalis   

8361     Macrochilo louisiana     

8362     Phalaenostola metonalis           

8364     Phalaenostola larentioides        

8365     Phalaenostola hanhami 

8370     Bleptina caradrinalis     

8384.1  Renia flavipunctalis      

8397     Palthis angulalis           


Rivulinae                                                          1

8404     Rivula propinqualis       


Subfamily Unknown                                         1

8413     Mycterophora inexplicata


Hypenodinae                                                    3

8420     Hypenodes caducus     

            Hypenodes fractilinea [complex]           

8426     Dyspyralis illocata        


Hypeninae                                                        7

8442     Hypena baltimoralis      

8444     Hypena palparia           

8445     Hypena abalienalis       

8446     Hypena deceptalis        

8461     Hypena humuli 

8465     Plathypena scabra


Subfamily Unknown                                         1         

8479     Spargaloma sexpunctata


Pangraptinae                                                    1

8490     Pangrapta decoralis


Boletobiinae                                                     1         

8500     Metalectra quadrisignata


Calpinae                                                           1         

8536     Calyptra canadensis


Scoliopteryginae                                              1         

8555     Scoliopteryx libatrix


Eulepidotinae                                                   1         

8587     Panopoda rufimargo


Erebinae (=Catocalinae)                                   38        

8592     Cissusa spadix

8636     Drasteria adumbrata     

8689     Zale lunata       

8692     Zale galbanata 

8694     Zale aeruginosa

8697     Zale minerea    

8698     Zale phaeocapna          

8699     Zale obliqua     

8702     Zale submediana sp. 1

8702     Zale submediana sp. 2 

8703     Zale duplicata  

8703.1  Zale largera      

8704     Zale helata       

8707     Zale metatoides           

8713.1  Zale intenta (formerly lunifera)   

8716     Zale unilineata  

8717     Zale horrida      

8727     Parallelia bistriaris        

8731     Euclidia cuspidea         

8738     Caenurgina crassiuscula           

8739     Caenurgina erechtea     

8764     Argyrostrotis anilis       

8775     Catocala antinympha    

8801     Catocala ilia     

8802     Catocala cerogama      

8803     Catocala relicta

8805     Catocala unijuga           

8817     Catocala briseis           

8821     Catocala semirelicta     

8833     Catocala concumbens  

8846     Catocala sordida          

8851     Catocala coccinata       

8857     Catocala ultronia          

8867     Catocala blandula         

8869     Catocala alabamae   [new addition, 2007, pothole lake]

8873     Catocala similis

8878     Catocala amica

8878.1  Catocala lineella


Arctiinae                                                          34

8043     Eilema bicolor  

8045.1  Crambidia pallida         

8051     Crambidia casta           

8089     Hypoprepia miniata      

8090     Hypoprepia fucosa       

8098     Clemensia albata          

8109     Haploa reversa 

8110     Haploa contigua           

8111     Haploa lecontei

8112     Haploa confusa

8114     Virbia laeta       

8121     Virbia aurantiaca           

8123     Virbia ferruginosa         

8129     Pyrrharctia isabella       

8131     Estigmene acrea          

8134     Spilosoma congrua      

8136     Spilosoma dubia          

8137     Spilosoma virginica      

8140     Hyphantria cunea          

8156     Phragmatobia fuliginosa           

8158     Phragmatobia assimilans          

8162     Platarctia parthenos      

8166     Arctia caja        

8171     Apantesis nais 

8175     Grammia virguncula      

8187     Grammia celia  

8196     Grammia parthenice      

8197     Grammia virgo 

8203     Halysidota tessellaris    

8214     Lophocampa maculata 

8230     Cycnia tenera   

8231     Cycnia oregonensis      

8262     Ctenucha virginica        

8267     Cisseps fulvicollis        


Lymantriinae                                                    3

8293     Dasychira dorsipennata

8294     Dasychira vagans         

8302     Dasychira obliquata      


Risobinae                                                         2

8969     Baileya doubledayi       

8970     Baileya ophthalmica


Chloephorinae                                                 2         

8975     Nycteola frigidana

8977     Nycteola cinereana       


Nolinae                                                                        2

8983     Meganola miniscula      

8990     Nola cilicoides 


Subfamily Unknown                                         1

9038     Hyperstrotia villificans


Eustrotiinae                                                     7

9046     Lithacodia bellicula       

9047     Lithacodia muscosula   

9048     Lithacodia albidula       

9049     Maliattha synochitis      

9053     Pseudostrotia carneola 

9284     Anterastria teratophora 

9059     Capis curvata   


Condicinae                                                       4

9690     Condica videns

9696     Condica vecors

9720     Ogdoconta cinereola    

9057     Homophoberia apicosa


Plusiinae                                                          13

8881     Abrostola urentis          

8897     Diachrysia balluca        

8898     Allagrapha aerea          

8904     Chrysanympha formosa

8908     Autographa precationis 

8911     Autographa bimaculata 

8923     Autographa ampla        

8924     Anagrapha falcifera      

8926     Syngrapha octoscripta 

8927     Syngrapha epigaea      

8940     Syngrapha abstrusa     

8946     Syngrapha microgamma           

8953     Plusia venusta  


Acontiinae                                                        2

9090     Tarachidia candefacta   

9095     Tarachidia erastrioides  


Amphipyrinae                                                  2

9638     Amphipyra pyramidoides          

9639     Amphipyra tragopoginis           


Eriopinae                                                         2

9631     Callopistria mollissima  

9633     Callopistria cordata      


Psaphidinae                                                     5

10008   Feralia comstocki         

10014   Psaphida rolandi          

10016   Psaphida styracis         

10019   Psaphida resumens      

10021   Copivaleria grotei         


Heliothinae                                                       3

11063   Pyrrhia adela Laf. & Mikkola     

11068   Helicoverpa zea

11074   Heliothis paradoxus      


Pantheinae                                                       4

9177     Panthea acronyctoides 

9182     Panthea furcilla

9184     Colocasia flavicornis    

9189     Charadra deridens


Raphiinae                                                         1         

9193     Raphia frater    


Acronictinae                                                     27

9061     Cerma cora      

9200     Acronicta americana     

9203     Acronicta dactylina       

9205     Acronicta lepusculina    

9206     Acronicta leporina        

9207     Acronicta innotata        

9209     Acronicta radcliffei       

9211     Acronicta tritona           

9212     Acronicta grisea           

9224     Acronicta quadrata       

9226     Acronicta superans       

9227     Acronicta laetifica         

9229     Acronicta hasta

9236     Acronicta morula          

9241     Acronicta fragilis          

9243     Acronicta ovata

9245     Acronicta haesitata       

9247     Acronicta tristis

9250     Acronicta inclara           

9257     Acronicta impleta         

9258     Acronicta sperata         

9259     Acronicta noctivaga      

9261     Acronicta impressa       

9264     Acronicta longa

9272     Acronicta oblinata        

9280     Simyra henrici sp. B     

9286     Harrisimemna trisignata 


Oncocnemidinae                                              1

10135   Oncocnemis riparia       


Noctuinae                                                         208

9333     Apamea lignicolora       

9341     Apamea vultuosa         

9348     Apamea amputatrix      

9351     Apamea alia     

9359     Apamea commoda       

9365     Apamea lateritia           

9367     Apamea dubitans         

9374     Apamea niveivenosa    

9382     Apamea devastator      

9404     Oligia modica   

9408     Oligia exhausta

9409     Oligia hausta/semicana cmplx.  

9413     Oligia tonsa     

9416     Oligia miniscula

9419     Oligia mactata  

9420     Oligia illocata   

9427     Meropleon diversicolor 

9431     Parastichtis suspecta   

9433     Xylomoia chagnoni       

9437     Chortodes inquinata     

9453     Celaena reniformis        

9454     Amphipoea velata        

9457     Amphipoea americana  

9478     Papaipema leucostigma           

9480     Papaipema pterisii        

9514     Hydraecia micacea       

9516     Hydraecia stramentosa 

9523     Bellura diffusa  

9545     Euplexia benesimilis     

9546     Phlogophora iris           

9547     Phlogophora periculosa

9548     Conservula anodonta    

9549     Enargia decolor

9550     Enargia infumata          

9551     Enargia mephisto         

9555     Ipimorpha pleonectusa 

9556     Chytonix palliatricula     

9557     Chytonix sensilis complex sp. 1

9578     Hyppa xylinoides         

9582     Nedra ramosula

9637.1  Magusa divaricata

9647     Athetis miranda

9664     Balsa labecula  

9666     Spodoptera frugiperda 

9678     Elaphria versicolor        

9680     Elaphria georgei           

9681     Elaphria festivoides      

9688     Galgula partita  

9815     Cosmia calami 

9873     Xylena nupera  

9874     Xylena curvimacula       

9875     Xylena thoracica           

9876     Xylena cineritia 

9878     Lithomoia germana       

9881     Homoglaea hiricina       

9884     Litholomia napaea        

9886     Lithophane patefacta    

9887     Lithophane bethunei     

9888     Lithophane innominata  

9889     Lithophane petulca       

9891     Lithophane amanda      

9892     Lithophane disposita    

9893     Lithophane hemina       

9902     Lithophane baileyi        

9909     Lithophane tepida         

9910     Lithophane antennata    

9914     Lithophane laticinerea   

9915     Lithophane grotei         

9916     Lithophane unimoda     

9917     Lithophane fagina         

9922     Lithophane pexata        

9925     Lithophane lepida         

9928     Lithophane thaxteri       

9930     Pyreferra citromba        

9933     Eupsilia vinulenta         

9933.1  Eupsilia sidus [complex]           

9935     Eupsilia tristigmata       

9936     Eupsilia morrisoni         

9939     Eupsilia devia  

9942     Xystopepla rufago       

9948     Chaetaglaea cerata       

9950     Chaetaglaea sericea     

9952     Eucirroedia pampina     

9957     Sunira bicolorago         

9976     Platypolia anceps         

9980     Xylotype arcadia          

9989     Sutyna privata  

9998     Brachylomia algens      

10055   Apharetra dentata         

10223   Discestra trifolii

10265   Sideridis rosea 

10268   Sideridis maryx

10272   Mamestra curialis         

10275   Polia nimbosa  

10276   Polia imbrifera  

10280   Polia purpurissata        

10288   Polia detracta   

10292   Melanchra adjuncta       

10293   Melanchra picta

10294   Melanchra pulverulenta 

10295   Melanchra assimilis      

10296   Lacanobia nevadae      

10298   Lacanobia radix

10299   Lacanobia subjuncta     

10300   Spirameter grandis       

10301   Spirameter lutra

10302   Trichordestra rugosa     

10303   Trichordestra tacoma    

10304   Trichordestra legitima   

10307   Trichordestra lilacina     

10310   Papestra quadrata        

10311   Papestra biren  

10368   Lacinipolia meditata      

10370   Lacinipolia lustralis       

10372   Lacinipolia anguina       

10397   Lacinipolia renigera       

10405   Lacinipolia lorea           

10406   Lacinipolia olivacea      

10436   Aletia oxygala  

10438   Pseudaletia unipuncta   

10440   Leucania linita  

10444   Leucania phragmatidicola         

10446   Leucania multilinea       

10447   Leucania commoides    

10449   Leucania insueta           

10459   Leucania inermis           

10462   Leucania pseudargyria  

10487   Orthosia rubescens      

10488   Orthosia garmani          

10490   Orthosia revicta

10495   Orthosia hibisci

10501   Crocigrapha normani    

10513   Egira dolosa    

10518   Achatia distincta           

10520   Morrisonia evicta          

10521   Morrisonia confusa       

10291   Morrisonia latex            

10524   Nephelodes minians     

10532   Homorthodes furfurata 

10563   Protorthodes oviduca   

10567   Ulolonche culea

10569   Ulolonche modesta      

10578   Pseudorthodes vecors 

10585   Orthodes crenulata       

10289   Orthodes goodelli        

10290   Orthodes obscura        

10597   Orthodes cynica           

10627   Tricholita signata          

10651   Agrotis venerabilis        

10659   Agrotis volubilis           

10663   Agrotis ipsilon  

10670   Feltia jaculifera 

10676   Feltia herilis      

10680   Trichosilia geniculata    

10644   Trichosilia mollis           

10702   Euxoa divergens          

10703   Euxoa sinelinea

10705   Euxoa messoria

10738   Euxoa mimallonis  [new addition, 2007, pothole lake]     

10755   Euxoa declarata           

10801   Euxoa ochrogaster       

10803   Euxoa velleripennis      

10805   Euxoa tessellata           

10838   Euxoa detersa  

10851   Euxoa redimicula          

10854   Euxoa servita   

10863   Euxoa manitobana       

10865   Euxoa perpolita

10902   Euagrotis forbesi         

10903   Euagrotis illapsa          

10915   Peridroma saucia         

10891   Ochropleura implecta    

10919   Diarsia jucunda

10921   Diarsia rosaria  

10926   Spaelotis clandestina   

10928   Graphiphora augur        

10929   Eurois occulta  

10930   Eurois astricta  

10942   Xestia c-nigrum

10942.1 Xestia dolosa   

10943   Xestia normaniana        

10944   Xestia smithii   

10968   Xestia badicollis           

10969   Xestia dilucida

10970   Xestia youngii  

10988   Coenophila opacifrons 

10955   Agnorisma badinodis   

10954   Agnorisma bugrai         

10950   Pseudohermonassa bicarnea    

10951   Pseudohermonassa tenuicula    

10992   Paradiarsia littoralis      

10993.1 Hemipachnobia monochromatea           

10994   Cerastis tenebrifera      

10996   Cerastis salicarum        

10997   Cerastis fishii   

10999   Aplectoides condita     

11000   Anaplectoides prasina  

11001   Anaplectoides pressus 

11004   Protolampra rufipectus 

11006   Protolampra brunneicollis         

11007   Eueretagrotis sigmoides           

11008   Eueretagrotis perattenta

11009   Eueretagrotis attenta    

11010   Lycophota phyllophora 

11012   Cryptocala acadiensis  

11029   Abagrotis alternata       

11043   Abagrotis cupida          

11044   Abagrotis brunneipennis           

            Abagrotis sp.   


Some Additional Lepidoptera Families


HEPIALIDAE                                                    1

18         Sthenopis argenteomaculatus   

COSSIDAE                                                       1

2693     Prionoxystus robiniae   




Harvey, Donald J.  1991.  Higher Classification of the Nymphalidae.  Appendix B in The Development and Evolution of Butterfly Wing Patterns by H. F. Nijhout. Smithsonian Institution Press.

Hodges, Ronald W. et. al.  1983.  Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico.  Great Britian, University Press, Cambridge.  284 pp.

Mitchell, Andrew, Charles Mitter, and Jerome C. Regier.  2006.  Systematics and evolution of the cutworm moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): evidence from two protein-coding nuclear genes.  Systematic Entomology, 31: 21-46.

Poole, Robert W.  1995.  Noctuoidea, Noctuidae (part) in Dominick, R. B. et al., The Moths of America North of Mexico, Fasc. 26.1.

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.  1989.  Dunbar Barrens (No. 104) State Natural Area.

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.  2006.  State Natural Areas Program.

Zahiri, Reza, Ian J. Kitching, J. Donald Lafontaine, Marko Mutanen, Lauri Kaila, Jeremy Holloway & Niklas Wahlberg. 2011. A new molecular phylogeny offers hope for a stable family level classification of the Noctuouidea (Lepidoptera). Zoologica Scripta.

Zahiri, Reza, Jeremy Holloway, Ian J. Kitching, J. Donald Lafontaine, Marko Mutanen, & Niklas Wahlberg. 2012a. Molecular phylogenetics of Erebidae (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea). Systematic Entomology, 37: 102-124.

Zahiri, Reza, J. Donald Lafontaine, Jeremy Holloway, Ian J. Kitching, B. Christian Schmidt, Lauri Kaila, & Niklas Wahlberg. 2012b. Major lineages of Nolidae (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea) elucidated by molecular phylogenetics. Cladistics 1 (2012): 1-23.

Zahiri, Reza, J. Donald Lafontaine, Christian Schmidt, Jeremy Holloway, Ian J. Kitching, Marko Mutanen, & Niklas Wahlberg. 2013. Relationships among the basal lineages of Noctuidae (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea) based on eight gene regions. Zoologica Scripta.