Lepidoptera Biodiversity LLC


Photo Galleries: Three Dimensional Lepidoptera Genitalia Photo Gallery: Noctuidae: Erebinae: Catocala


Male genitalia images for dissection voucher specimen 2016HLK:2249 of Catocala naganoi (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Erebinae)


Version 2016.1 by Hugo Kons Jr.


Genitalia were dissected and images taken by Hugo L. Kons Jr. with the GT Vision imaging system at the former American Entomological Institute and/or the Automontage at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Entomology.  All structures are the natural three dimensional shape (not slide mounted) except for the juxta/anellus and abdominal cuticle (temporarily slide mounted for imaging). 




IMG_6175 - Copy - Copy


Capsule (ventral)

C seihobo 2249 capsule ventral


Capsule (dorsal)

C seihobo 2249 capsule dorsal


Capsule (lateral with hairs and scales)

C seihobo 2249 capsule LL hairs


Capsule (lateral)

C seihobo 2249 capsule LL

C seihobo 2249 capsule LR


Valvae (inner)

C seihobo 2249 valvae inner

C seihobo 2249 valvae inner clasper left

C seihobo 2249 valvae inner clasper right


Valvae (outer)

C seihobo 2249 valvae outer


Juxta & Anellus (ventral, flattened on slide)

C seihobo 2249 juxta


Uncus & Tegumen (lateral)

C seihobo 2249 uncus tegumen


Uncus (lateral)

C seihobo 2249 uncus


Uncus (posterior)

C seihobo 2249 uncus post



C seihobo 2249 phallus 1

C seihobo 2249 phallus 2

C seihobo 2249 phallus 3

C seihobo 2249 phallus 4

C seihobo 2249 phallus 1 zoom

C seihobo 2249 phallus 4 zoom


Phallus with vesica everted

C seihobo 2249 phallus VE 2

C seihobo 2249 phallus VE 1


Vesica (with hood above)

C seihobo 2249 vesica ab 1

C seihobo 2249 vesica ab 2

C seihobo 2249 vesica abo 1


Vesica (lateral, with hood on bottom)

C seihobo 2249 vesica ld 1


Vesica (with hood below)

C seihobo 2249 vesica blw 1

C seihobo 2249 vesica blw 1 zoom


C seihobo 2249 vesica blw 2


Vesica (lateral, with hood on top)

C seihobo 2249 vesica lu 1


Vesica (anterior side)

C seihobo 2249 vesica bs 1 zoom

C seihobo 2249 vesica bs 1


Ductus Ejaculatorius

C seihobo 2249 ductus


Rectum and Intestine

C seihobo 2249 rectum


Abdominal Tergites (excluding terminal segment)

C seihobo 2249 abdomen dorsum


Abdominal Sternites (excluding terminal segment)

C seihobo 2249 abdomen venter


Abdomen terminal segment (tergite on left, sternite on right)

C seihobo 2249 abdomen term seg