Lepidoptera Biodiversity LLC


Photo Galleries: Three Dimensional Lepidoptera Genitalia Photo Gallery: Noctuidae: Erebinae


Male genitalia images for dissection voucher specimen 2016HLK:2367 of Pericyma atrifusa (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Erebinae)


Version 2016.1 by Hugo Kons Jr.


Genitalia were dissected and images taken by Hugo L. Kons Jr. with the GT Vision imaging system at the former American Entomological Institute.  All structures are the natural three dimensional shape (not slide mounted) except for the juxta/anellus and abdominal cuticle (temporarily slide mounted for imaging). 





Capsule (ventral with hairs and scales)


Capsule (ventral)


Capsule (dorsal)


Capsule (lateral)


Valvae (inner)


Valvae (outer)


Juxta & Anellus (ventral, flattened on slide)


Uncus & Tegumen (lateral)




Vesica (with hood above)


Vesica (lateral, with hood on bottom)



Vesica (with hood below)



Vesica (lateral, with hood on top)


Ductus Ejaculatorius


Rectum and Intestine


Abdominal Cuticle (excluding terminal segment)


Abdomen terminal segment (tergite on left, sternite on right)