Lepidoptera Biodiversity LLC


Male genitalia images for dissection voucher specimen 2013HLK:1907 of the Drasteria howlandii/tejonica complex (Noctuidae: Erebinae) from SW Texas


Genitalia were dissected and images taken by Hugo L. Kons Jr. with the GT Vision imaging system at the American Entomological Institute.  All structures are the natural three dimensional shape (not slide mounted) except for the juxta/anellus and abdominal cuticle (temporarily slide mounted for imaging). 


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Drasteria 1907 aa adult

TX Jeff Davis County, Davis Mountains State Park, Limpia Canyon along Limpia Creek, N 30° 36.046' W 103° 56.011', hydric-mesic canyon with cottonwoods through Trans Pecos desert, 10 June 2003, MV Sheet, Hugo L. Kons Jr. & Robert J. Borth.


Capsule (ventral with hairs and scales)

Drasteria 1907 capsule ventral hairs


Capsule (ventral)

Drasteria 1907 capsule ventral


Capsule (dorsal)

Drasteria 1907 capsule dorsal


Capsule (lateral with hairs and scales)

Drasteria 1907 capsule LR hairs


Capsule (lateral)

Drasteria 1907 capsule LR

Drasteria 1907 capsule LL


Valvae (inner)

Drasteria 1907 valvae inner w some hairs

Drasteria 1907 valvae inner w some hairs b

Drasteria 1907 valvae inner

Drasteria 1907 valvae inner b


Valvae (outer)

Drasteria 1907 valvae outer


Valvae (ventral)

Drasteria 1907 valvae ventral


Valvae (ventral/inner)

Drasteria 1907 valvae ventral ob


Valvae (dorsal)

Drasteria 1907 valvae dorsal left

Drasteria 1907 valvae dorsal


Valvae (dorsal/inner)

Drasteria 1907 valvae dorsal ob


Juxta & Anellus (ventral, flattened on slide)

Drasteria 1907 juxta


Uncus & Tegumen (lateral)

Drasteria 1907 uncus tegumen lateral

Drasteria 1907 uncus tegumen lateral b


Uncus & Tegumen (ventral)

Drasteria 1907 uncus tegumen ventral


Uncus (lateral)

Drasteria 1907 uncus lateral

Drasteria 1907 uncus lateral b


Uncus (posterior)

Drasteria 1907 uncus post


Uncus apex (ventral)

Drasteria 1907 uncus tip ventral



Drasteria 1907 phallus 1 sb

Drasteria 1907 phallus 2

Drasteria 1907 phallus 3


Phallus with vesica everted

Drasteria 1907 phallus VE ld 1


Vesica (with hood above)

Drasteria 1907 vesica ab 1

Drasteria 1907 vesica ab 2

Drasteria 1907 vesica abo 1


Vesica (lateral, with hood on bottom)

Drasteria 1907 vesica ld 1


Vesica (with hood below)

Drasteria 1907 vesica blw 1

Drasteria 1907 vesica blw 2


Vesica (lateral, with hood on top)

Drasteria 1907 vesica lu 1


Vesica (anterior side)

Drasteria 1907 vesica bs 1

Drasteria 1907 vesica bs 1 zoom


Ductus Ejaculatorius

Drasteria 1907 ductus 1


Rectum and Intestine

Drasteria 1907 rectum


Abdominal Tergites (excluding terminal segment)

Drasteria 1907 abdomen dorsum


Abdominal Sternites (excluding terminal segment)

Drasteria 1907 abdomen venter

Drasteria 1907 abdomen venter zoom


Abdomen terminal segment (tergite on left, sternite on right)

Drasteria 1907 abdomen term seg